'The Upleveler' - select editions from our weekly smartletter

Each week, we send out a smartletter to our mailing list (join here). Here are some select editions from the archives.

  • Edition 11: What's wrong with you if you don't listen to podcasts? + the Curse of Knowledge
  • Edition 10: Can you solve these three cases? + Flow
  • Edition 9: How M&Ms helped us recruit diligent people
  • Edition 8: How to get 'importance but not urgent' tasks done
  • Edition 7: Some of the books we've read in 2018 so far
  • Edition 6: Why for us, curiosity is no less than the key to survival.
  • Edition 5: Stories are powerful channels for spreading culture. But are you missing a trick? Plus, the idea of Social Proof, and a case for you to solve.
  • Edition 4: How we've implemented the idea of compounding for reading, the Pomodoro Method, and a 'Crash Course' recommendation.
  • Edition 3: the benefits of 'improv', the idea of 'deliberate practice', and our recommendation for a book that'll change the way you think about change.
  • Edition 2: what accident victims have in common with questions, the 'stop doing list', and our recommendation of a podcast
  • Edition 1: Our inaugural edition covers how fouls changed football, what a "pre-mortem" is, and a book on designing the chances of encountering 'great moments'.